Rabu, 23 April 2014

Experience 3

My Experience When I was a Child

When I was a kid, I’ve very bad experience. I have been I situation where I was get asthma attack at the age of 9.
My mom went to buy some vegetables at the supermarket. Before she left, she asked my sister to keep an eye on me but she didn’t do as promised.
One hours letter the attacks become serve and I was completely helpless and hopping that my mom would arrived any minutes.
I couldn’t not remember what happen after that, but I hearing my sister calling my mo by telephone and asking for help.
My sister tired to help me, she take me to the bed and give me some medicine. After that when my mom arrived, she carried me in to a car and taken to the hospital. I then received emergency treatments from the doctor.
I could still remember the pain I felt of not being able to breath. This experience stayed with me till now but now I am old enough to know, if I feel that my symptoms aren’t improving, I should call the emergency for help right away. This is the worst attack I have experienced since then.
Ivania Fidhanty

Experience 2

My First Experience Cooking

One day in Sunday morning, my mom and my sister gone for shopping. Im feeling so hungry, I go to the kitchen but I’m not found any food. As I hadn’t had breakfast I decide to begin my first experience as a chef by making an fried rice.
First, I took rice, an egg, chili, onion, salt and oil. I knew the basic, so I began the work. I washed the onion and chili and I started chopping. This time disaster struck and I cut my finger. There no bleeding but it was just a painful.
The egg awaited its fate to be cracked in half. It two or three attempts to crack it open and in to the bowl. I took the pan on a stove, I used oil to frying an egg, onion, chili. Then I put rice and give some salt and ketchup.
Finally I’ve got my breakfast, look so yummy but when I try it, the taste is so salty. That my first bad cooking experience.
Ivania Fidhanty

Experience 1

My experience as a Baby-sitter

Last week, my sister ask me to baby-sit her 6 year old son (my nephew) on Sunday morning. I agreed, think it would be fun cause I haven’t any home work.
When Jessar (his name) arrived at my house, I ask him what he would like to play? He’s answer “video game”. So I brought out my Play Station and playing together with him. After a little while, he must have got bored and wandered off. I was concentrating on setting up the Play Station properly and didn’t notice his disappearance.
Suddenly there was a loud crash. I was terrified to see that Jessar was nowhere in sight. I run to look for him and found him in the bathroom, he was sit in the closet. That makes me shocked cause that’s so disgusting for me.
Then I called my sister to get back early. I’m feeling frustration but I tried to clean up him. In the end, I was as wet as he was and feeling bruised all over.
Ivania Fidhanty

Selasa, 22 April 2014

Subject-Verb Agreement

Ivania Fidhanty

Singular Noun and Plural Noun

1.    Singular Noun (Kata Benda Tunggal)
Singular Noun adalah kata benda yang menunjukan bahwa benda tersebut jumlahnya hanya satu, dan pada umumnya di dahului oleh article “a” atau “an”, khususnya untuk benda yang dapat dihitung dan yang belum diketahui secara pasti.
Contoh :
·         There is a car in garage
·         I want to buy an egg

Namun, bila bendanya sudah tertentu, ditambahkan article “the”.
Contoh :
·         There is the car in the garage
·         I want to buy the egg
Bentuk singular noun harus menggunakan kata kerja tunggal, yaitu dengan penambahan s/es untuk kata kerja biasa dan to be “is” untuk kata kerja to be.
Contoh :
·         The dog under chair drink milk.
·         Billy goes to school

2.    Plural Noun (Kata Benda Jamak)
Plural Noun adalah kata benda yang menunjukan bahwa jumlah benda tersebut lebih dari satu, yaitu dua atau lebih. Dan pada umumnya kata benda ini tidak di dahului oleh artikel “a” atau “an”.
Contoh :
·         There are two pencils in my bag
·         I want to buy three eggs
Bentuk plural noun harus menggunakan kata kerja jamak, yaitu kata kerja tanpa penambahan s/es untuk kata kerja biasa atau to be “are” untuk kata kerja to be.
Contoh :
·         There are five cars in my house
·         I want to buy the umberellas
·         Jimmy and Linda come from Tokyo
·         The Knives are made of metal

Plural Noun dapat dibentuk dari singular noun dengan beberapa cara yaitu :
1)     Pada umumnya plural noun di bentuk dengan menambahkan pada singular noun.
Singular Noun           Plural Noun         Arti
Book                              Books                       Buku
Horse                             Horses                     Kuda
Flower                            Flowers                    Bunga

2)    Dengan menambahkan –es jika singular noun berakhiran dengan huruf “o”.
Singular Noun      Plural Noun      Arti
Buffalo                     Buffaloes            Kerbau
Potato                      Potatoes             Kentang
Hero                         Heroes                Pahlawan

Tetapi, ada juga singular noun yang berakhiran huruf “o” hanya ditambah –s saja, yaitu untuk singular noun yang berakhiran dengan huruf –o atau –oo, -oe, -io dan –yo.
Singular Noun           Plural Noun         Arti
Piano                              Pianos                     Piano
Radio                             Radios                      Radio
Grotto                           Grottos                    Gua

3)     Dengan menambahkan –es, jika singular noun berakhiran dengan huruf –s, -ss, -sh, -ch atau –x.
Singular Noun           Plural Noun         Arti
Bus                                 Buses                       Bis
Box                                Boxes                       Kotak
Glass                              Glasses                     Gelas

4)    Dengan mengubah –y menjadi –i dan kemudian ditambah –es jika singular noun berakhiran dengan huruf –y dan didahului oleh sebuah huruf mati.
Singular Noun           Plural Noun          Arti
Baby                               Babies                       Bayi
Lady                               Ladies                       Gadis
Fly                                  Flies                           Lalat

5)    Dengan menambahkan –s apabila singular noun berakhiran dengan huruf –y dan didahului oleh sebuah huruf hidup.
Singular Noun   Plural Noun    Arti
Boy                       Boys                  Anak laki-laki
Day                       Days                 Hari
Donkey                 Donkeys           Keledai

6)    Dengan mengubah –f atau –fe menjadi ves apabila singular noun berakhiran dengan huruf –f atau –ef.
Singular Noun      Plural Noun     Arti
Shelf                        Shelves               Rak
Wolf                         Wolves                Serigala
Wife                         Wives                  Istri

Tetapi, ada beberapa kata singular noun yang berakhiran dengan huruf –f atau –fe hanya ditambah –s saja untuk membentuk plural noun,yaitu :
Singular Noun     Plural Noun      Arti
Proof                      Proofs                  Bukti
Roof                       Roofs                   Atap
Belief                      Beliefs                  Kepercayaan

7)    Dengan menambahkan –s pada kata dasarnya, jika kata bendanya adalah Compound  Noun (kata benda majemuk).
Singular Noun    Plural Noun            Arti
Father-in-law         Fathers-in-law            Ayah mertua
Mother-in-law       Mothers-in-law           Ibu mertua
Son-in-law             Sons-in-law                 Menantu laki-laki

8)    Irregular Plural (Kata Benda Jamak Yang Tidak Beraturan) tidak mendapat tambahan huruf –s atau –es seperti pada umunya, tetapi mengambil bentuk lain yaitu :
Singular Noun     Plural Noun        Arti
Foot                        Feet                       Kaki
Man                        Men                       Orang laki-laki
Mouse                     Mice                      Tikus

9)    Beberapa kata benda yang mempunyai bentuk plural noun sama dengan bentuk singular noun yaitu :
Singular Noun           Plural Noun       Arti
Sheep                             Sheep                    Biri-biri
Deer                               Deer                     Rusa
Hundred                        Hundred                Seratus

10)  Beberapa kata benda yang selalu berbentuk plural noun, tidak mempunyai bentuk singular noun.
Plural Noun               Arti
Shoes                             sepatu
Mathematics                  Ilmu pasti
Physics                           Ilmu alam

Penulis : Mr. George Wilkinson & Drs. Dony Hariyanto 
Penerbit : Pustaka Indonesia
Tahun : 2004, cetakan I